Second hand haul

Almost a year ago I did this thing in a park. The thing I did was say 'yes' just a few seconds too early - even my anglophone family and friends realised, and we all laughed before kisses and rings were exchanged and pictures were taken. One of the guests was a fellow volunteer from... Continue Reading →

Slowing down

I'm knitting a shawl. I've been knitting this shawl for a long time, actually. It's going to be huge when it's finally done. Part of the reason why it has taken long is because I've rewound the ball by hand using my very pretty nostepinne. Of course, it would have taken me less time to... Continue Reading →

Stand Still, Stay Silent v.2

Reading update! I have read a couple of books since last posting here, but none that warranted a full blog post. This book, however, counts for the Mount TBR challenge! It is volume two of Minna Sundberg's excellent webcomic, Stand Still, Stay Silent. My introduction to the comic came two years ago when my husband bought me... Continue Reading →

And then there’s me. I mostly just fade. When I was younger, I used to fade so much that sometimes my teachers marked me absent from class. I’ve figured out how to not do that anymore, but it still happens sometimes if I’m not paying proper attention. My bloodsister says she thinks I do it... Continue Reading →

Musings on belonging

Ahead comes a fairly long post. 'Musings' is definitely right. I'm not reaching any conclusions, or saying anything new. Nonetheless, I wanted to say it, and now I have. Right now there's a lot of talking about racism in the online knitting community. A lot. Most of it's happening on Instagram, where I'm not particularly active... Continue Reading →

Oh, hey there!

Oof! Last week certainly was a tough week. I started a new course and came down with a really quite unpleasant cold. The result was that I didn't really do so much for the whole week. I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. Come closer... closer... I'd been hoping to do... Continue Reading →

Reading update!

The first of the year! As I may have mentioned, I've got a whole load of unread books. These are split across two countries, with the lion's share being back in my parent's house in the UK. My dad is forever urging me to do something about the boxes of Stuff I have there and each... Continue Reading →

Reading Challenges

I took a break on all non-Goodreads reading challenges last year. I also failed to hit both my official (read: ambitious) and unofficial (read: low-hanging fruit) targets. These two facts are not related. Nonetheless, I'm going back to reading challenges this year. Which might those be? The Goodreads Reading Challenge I've signed up for the... Continue Reading →

A Second Hand Life

Or: Why I buy second hand. Really, this is one of those things that just seems obvious to me. I've got a bargain hunter of a mother who really likes to shop. As a child, I was a little bit embarrassed about my clothes that came from the really cheap shops, and quite a lot... Continue Reading →

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